Jalapeño Poppers on the Homestead

Jalapeño Poppers, a tasty way to wrap up your harvest.

Jalapeño Poppers, with or without the heat.

When we lived in Arizona, we had access to heat, both in temperature and in foods (especially  jalapeños). We ate with friends who would joke about spicy foods- “That’s not spicy! That’s like toothpaste!”

We’ve had deep fried jalapeno poppers with oozy yellow cheese from restaurants- this is NOT that. In Arizona, we learned from friends about taking fresh  jalapeños, deseeding them & filling them with cream cheese, and wrapping each pepper in a raw piece of bacon. That’s it!

The stuffed and wrapped  jalapeños are put into a preheated 400 degree oven on cookie sheet for about 30-40 minutes depending on your oven. The bacon should look cooked before you take it out. These are a wonderful appetizer.

Jalapeños, stuffed and readdy to become Poppers.

This year we also grew no-heat  jalapeños…. You might consider trying to grow some in case there are some in your group who don’t care for the heat.

We have plenty of other fun and easy recipes, be sure to click here to visit our recipes page.

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