Introducing New Chickens to Your Flock

Sometimes “Soon” is “Too Soon” We’ve heard a lot of advice about when to introduce new chickens to your flock. Until now, we’d had great success. Typically, we’re told, you want the new chickens to be about 3 months old before adding them to your flock. A group of Barred Rock and Silver Laced Wyandottes…

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When a Chicken Passes

Our Homestead Adventures

When Chickens Expire, What Do You Do? Our neighbor wanted to retire from chickens and gave us our starting flock. He gave us a few black Australorps, a couple Buff Orpingtons, & a few Rhode Island Reds. Within that flock was a favorite hen, her name, Stevie, a stand-out Rhode Island Red. She had moves…

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Shouldn’t we all want to “be a chicken”?

Chicken demonstrates unconditional love to her unique babies In late summer we noticed that our beautiful BuffOrpington chicken, “Blondie”, was the last bird in the coop for the night. Every night she wandered about the chicken run until well after dark. As summer gave way to fall, Blondie was hardly seen. Our 12 year old…

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When Your Chicken Gets Frostbite

Roostavo the magnificent Rhode Island Red Chicken had a rough winter. Roostavo, Roostavo… you have filled our mornings with the trill of your Rhode Island Red cocka-doodle-do for a month in the back room of our home. You crazy chicken! Amy has turned into a morning ninja, creeping across the kitchen floor in the dark…

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